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Workplace Wellness


Workplace Wellness

with Alexa Poole- Nutritionist + Wellness Coach                                


Our lives are so busy no matter what role we carry. Often times, we become so busy, we become stressed out, burned out, and even depressed/anxietal. We put a lot of our energy into showing up for others or can't balance our responsibilities then things start taking a shift...never for the good. My approach to our health and wellness is based on ALL areas of our life. If you struggle in the workplace, more than likely you are struggling in your personal life. Educating others, for me, means teaching how to better manage and cope with everyday stressors in order to show up more effectively in the roles we all carry.





How Does It Work?


First things first--Schedule a Discovery Call 


If you are looking for someone to come speak to your team of employees or looking for an educational, yet fun experience at a family or friend gathering, let's chat about what specifics you are looking for. I would like to get an idea of what areas need the most help. 


What Exactly Do I Teach?


- Nutrition Basics

- Healthy Habits

- Routines

- Mindset

- Stress + Self-Care

- Cooking Balanced Meals

- Cooking with Healthy Alternatives

- Emotional Eating

- Mindfulness

- Mindful Movement


If you are interested in the next step, use the form below to begin the conversation of discovering what works best for your team!



Let's Get Started! Schedule your Discovery Call now.

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